Keep payment details ready, which may be Credit Card/Debit Card details/Net banking
or Transaction ID received from Axis Bank Easy Pay or DD and Courier details if
sending through Post.
To register for admission in SRGI Group, candidates have to fill the Registration
form online and deposit registration fee Rs.1000/- through the following options:
- Pay online through debit/credit cards OR Net Banking.
- Enter Transaction ID after depositing fee in Axis Bank through Easy Pay in Slip.
- Payment by sending fee through Demand draft to the University.
- Deposit Registration Fee through debit/credit cards is as follows:
- Candidates can fill the registration form online by clicking the link given below
and pay the registration fee online by using their debit/cre cards or Net Banking.
- Registration form so filled shall be accepted only after the confirmation of payment.
- An additional Rs. 25 shall be charged in case of online payment. Total Rs.1025/-
- Deposit Registration Fee through Axis Bank (Easy Pay Slip) is as follows:
- Candidates seeking admission in SRGI Group can deposit their registration fee in
any branch of Axis Bank in India through Axis Bank's customized software called
Easy Pay.
- Candidates can either fill in this fee deposit Pay in slip online (Link given below)
and take a printout of deposit slip generated on A4 size paper or can take a print
of PDF format and fill it by hand and then use it for depositing fee in Axis Bank.
(Due care must be taken while filling up the deposit slip).
- If Printer is not available with the student at his place, then he can save a copy
of the deposit slip generated and take a print out from any printer installed somewhere
- The students can deposit the fee through demand draft, pay order (payable at the
station where they intend to deposit the fee) or cash.
- The bank will collect fee on our behalf and issue one folio of the receipt to the
student mentioning the transaction ID and in this way the fee deposit process will
be complete.
- Once the fee is deposited in Axis Bank, a folio of the deposit slip will be given
by the bank containing the transaction ID.
- The applicant shall be required to mention this transaction ID in the Online Registration
- Registration form shall be accepted only after the cross verification of transaction
ID from the bank's records within next three working days.
- Deposit Registration Fee through Axis Bank (Easy Pay Slip) is as follows:
- Candidates seeking admission in SRGI Group can deposit their registration fee in
any branch of Axis Bank in India through Axis Bank's customized software called
Easy Pay.
- Candidates can either fill in this fee deposit Pay in slip online (Link given below)
and take a printout of deposit slip generated on A4 size paper or can take a print
of PDF format and fill it by hand and then use it for depositing fee in Axis Bank.
(Due care must be taken while filling up the deposit slip).
- If Printer is not available with the student at his place, then he can save a copy
of the deposit slip generated and take a print out from any printer installed somewhere
- The students can deposit the fee through demand draft, pay order (payable at the
station where they intend to deposit the fee) or cash.
- The bank will collect fee on our behalf and issue one folio of the receipt to the
student mentioning the transaction ID and in this way the fee deposit process will
be complete.
- Once the fee is deposited in Axis Bank, a folio of the deposit slip will be given
by the bank containing the transaction ID.
- The applicant shall be required to mention this transaction ID in the Online Registration
- Registration form shall be accepted only after the cross verification of transaction
ID from the bank's records within next three working days.
- Send the fee through demand draft by post is as follows
- Candidates can fill the form online and take a print out. This Form will be required
at the time of Counseling.
- Candidates need to mention the Candidate Name, Mobile no. and Registration No. back
side of the Demand Draft and can send the same on below mentioned address.
Please write on the Envelope "Registration Form"
Address :
The Accounts Officer,
SRGI Group,
However, students are advised to pay the registration fee through e-payment
mode only for instant confirmation of registration.
- Fields marked with*are mandatory.
- After reading instruction, click on the Proceed button at the bottom of this page.